June Update: No TV
I’m finally writing a follow up to last months challenge, not TV for a month. It was an interesting challenge because it was both a lot easier and a lot harder than I thought it would be. it was a lot easier than I thought to not watch TV when I was by myself. Reading a book, going for a run, or working on a website were all there to fill the gap, and it really wasn’t that hard. What was a little difficult, which I didn’t expect, was how much I watch TV with other people. My girlfriend and I watch TV together almost every night, and the few times (twice) that I “slipper up” was with other people. All in all, it was an interesting challenge I would recommend, you get a lot more free time, and it’s nice to switch things up, especially if its a beautiful Michigan summer!
I also am taking July off from challenges, everybody needs a summer break of some kind right? Look for a new post in August!