
Photo of Brent Swisher at Octoberfest

I’ve always hated writing an autobiography for this page. So instead, here are some tidbits about me, and you can make your own conclusions.

I’ve had this website since October 2008.

As a kid, I wanted to be both a garbage man and a farmer – my father and grandfather’s professions at the time. I still think these are both admirable goals.

I currently live in Dowagiac, Michigan, after recently finishing up a ten-year stint in Grand Rapids, Michigan.

I started dating my now wife (Melonie) 17 years ago, she’s pretty swell.

I have two sons (Henry and Samuel) who are also pretty swell.

I have a dog (Maya) who likes to take me for walks every morning.

I used to hate cats, then Sophia came along and changed my mind. Now, another cat (Sabrina) lives in our attic and tolerates me occasionally using it as an office.


I’m a full-stack developer. I like working on every aspect of web development, from database structure to design. Lately, I’ve been enjoying working with React.

I am a senior web developer for Grand Valley State University.

I also run a (very) small web development business: The Web Counts.

When I get the chance, I like contributing to open source projects, usually the Gutenberg editor for WordPress.

In the past, I have been an: Ice Cream Scooper (actual job title), Waiter, Furniture Delivery Driver, Caterer, Computer Lab Technician, and Network Administrator.

When I’m not coding

I drink a lot of tea and blog about it.

I like brewing beer, which my friends say it is slightly above average.

I recently started making things with wood.

I play soccer, admittedly a bit less intensely than I did in high school.

Random things that make me sounds more exciting than I really am

I’ve gone skydiving and white-water rafting.

Ich spreche ein bisschen Deutsch – well, that might be a stretch, but I’m working on it.

Enter the Konami code on gvsu.edu you can play the 8-bit JavaScript game I created with my coworkers: “Legend of Louie.”

I once toured the Picasso museum in Spain with a huge coffee stain across the front of my shirt, it was humiliating.

I’ve trained in both Muay Thai and Krav Maga.

I grew up on a pig farm. We also had at various times up to 8 cats (outside), a dog, 2 goats, and a horse.

I completely rewired our first house, which was built in 1920. I only shocked myself once, and it was replacing a light bulb after I finished with all the wiring.

I completed an Olympic-length Triathlon.

Yo hablo un poco Español. (En verdad, yo estudió español en escuela y yo no recuerdo mucho.)

I rode my bike across the entire state of Michigan, on a 1970’s Schwinn I got off craigslist for $50.

I love to travel: 26 states and 10 foreign countries so far.

Some Photos

Photo of my wife and our friends visiting the Zurich Film Festival