April: Spring Cleaning!

Brent Swisher - Spring CleaningApril is a really busy month for me, so I decided to take it a little bit easier on myself with the challenge.  This month I want to completely go through and clean/organize everything in my apartment – every drawer, closet, and pile of crap sitting on the floor. I have a friend moving, and that reminded me of just how much crap can accumulate in an apartment when you live there for a while. Since there is a good chance I won’t be in this apartment for too much longer, I decided its better to just do it now. While some of you may assume this to be nearly impossible, the truth is that I have been working on getting rid of stuff and generally reorganizing myself for a while, and this will just be a final push to finish everything. It certainly will take some time, but since I have a whole month to do it it shouldn’t be too bad.

Image via flickr

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